"Necessary reading"
Bogus Beauty
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American women are set to inherit $70 TRILLION within the next 20 years and they are incredibly empowered competitors for everything. Millions of American men are also becoming victims to American women and there has never been a more important time to understand their economic impacts. In his new book, Richard Pawlowski exposes the taboo subject of "erotic capital" and bogus beauty in American feminism and what this means economically and psychologically to American men and boys. Learn how and why everyone is being harmed by bogus beauty.
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American women gain great power from their bogus beauty. We are all swimming in oceans of toxic cosmetics and it's psychologically and chemically dangerous to everyone - especially women and children. After 20 years of research - Bogus Beauty is now ready. However, for a limited time, you can request a free review copy and perhaps provide input for the next book in the New Power of Women series and/or forthcoming blog.
"I loved it! He really hit the nails on their heads. I have watched women my entire life, often wondering why they do what they do, to each other and themselves. Richard breaks down the different psychosis into organized archetypes. His insights are thought provoking and he tempers the volatile subject matter with his brand of humor, which I appreciated also. Sadly I am sure many thin skinned PC femmes will be upset by the reading of this, but if you truly wish to be a better woman you will not prolong facing these dark parts of our gender any more than you must and stop the madness! It should be required reading in Women's Studies courses :) seriously.
You are a brave man for writing this book and I think your insights are a valuable resource Richard, Bravo!" - Roman A's wife. (a five star Amazon Review)